Terms and Conditions
Latest Version: July 2022
These terms and conditions set forth the rules for accessing and using this website (www.mapapadrao.pt).
By accessing the Site or using the Content, you are accepting these Terms and Conditions. Please read these terms and conditions carefully.
We also suggest reading our Personal Data Protection Policy and Cookies Policy, available in the website footer.
1.1. Access to and use of the Site presupposes the acceptance, without reservations, conditions, or modifications of these terms and conditions of use.
1.2. Unless otherwise stated, all Content and web pages available on the Site belong to or have been licensed or authorized to Mapapadrão , Lda.
1.3. Mapapadrão reserves the right to change, amend, or delete, in whole or in part, these Terms and Conditions and to establish new terms and conditions of use.
1.4. Any and all changes shall take effect after publication on the website.
2.1. You may use the Content displayed or disclosed on the Site for exclusively personal purposes, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
2.2. Any modification, copy, distribution, transmission, dissemination, publication, license, reproduction, namely on websites, or creation of content or works that are based on or that integrate the Content, as well as any use of the same other than that provided for in the preceding paragraph, is prohibited.
The User undertakes to respect the following by:
a) Respecting the rights of Mapapadrão and third parties;
b) Respecting these Terms and Conditions that you have unreservedly read, understood, and accepted and therefore not violating good customs, respecting any and all legal provisions, making a correct and appropriate use of the Site;
c) Not modifying the software for the purpose of gaining unauthorized access to the Content or any reserved content.
4.1. All intellectual property rights in the Site and the Content belong to or are licensed or authorized by Mapapadrão , namely the rights in the trademarks and logos of Mapapadrão .
4.2. Mapapadrão shall not tolerate any infringements of its intellectual property rights and shall take the necessary measures in defence of its interests.